
Are you ready for more español?
Spanish classes:
6 weeks, each class is 1 .30 hs

Spanish 1 and 2 are elementary level conversation and require you to sign up with Santa Cruz Parks ( We meet in Simpkins Family classrooms 979 17th Ave., Santa Cruz
If you can't register online, call with the class number: (831) 454-7941

Beginning Spanish 1 - ¡Hola! In this class, you will learn basic speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. No previous knowledge of the Spanish language is required. We will start from the very beginning by studying pronunciation, basic vocabulary and verbs, and curriculum about about different Latin American countries. The class will be very interactive, and you will get an intensive introduction to the Spanish language and culture! *A $20 materials fee is payable to the instructor at the first class. 
Simpkins Swim Ctr. Community Rm. B - Ages 16+

Spanish 2 - Advanced Elementary - This class is a continuation of Beginning Spanish 1. Expand your vocabulary and improve your Español. We’ll work on pronunciation, grammar, verbs, simple present tense, and conversation skills for real life situations and traveling. Improve comprehension, reading, commands, and idioms. 
*A $20 materials fee is payable at the first class. **No class 11/22
Simpkins Swim Ctr. Community Rm. B - Ages 16+


Individual lessons:  
Lessons are paid before the class starts and there is no refund after the class started.
The teacher will tailor the class according to your needs and will arrange the schedule that is convenient at a specific location.

Intermediate conversation with Teacher Cynthia, Delia, Carlos by appointment

Individual online lessons (via skype): Intermediate / advanced conversation with Teacher Martha or Monica by appointment.

Must register before the class starts sending the payment via mail or call us for paypal. Please send the check payable to Santa Cruz Spanish to:
Santa Cruz Spanish PO Box 3082 Santa Cruz Ca 95063

If you have any questions:  e-m us at or call us 831-345-1961

Drop in fee: $15
If you are not sure about your level and what class to take, please call us. We will let you audit the class for 15 minutes so you can decide if that class is what you are looking for. If you would like to stay for the entire class, we will charge you the drop in fee that must be paid before the class starts. 
Due to bad experiences with some people taking classes and never paying the fees we can't let you  attend the class unless you complete the payment.

Program Coordinator
Cynthia Flores
(831) 345-1961

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